Website of Jeannette & Martin Rooiman


Welcome to the website of two persons who love to travel.

It all started with the Worldtrip we made from May 2000 till October 2003. On our motorbikes we rode overland from the Netherlands to New Zealand and on our way we encountered many experiences worth sharing. These we wrote down in our travel reports during the trip and (with the later added photos and even a video!) we put them on our website.


After returning from our world trip we lived some years in France but after a while we got itchy feet again and after a long consideration we decided in October 2008 to immigrate to New Zealand. This appeared to be not that simple as there's a lot of preparation and paperwork involved before you are allowed to enter New Zealand as we found out quickly. Not only for us was it a long process also for our animals we wanted to take with us. We kept a journal of all the steps we had to take in the processes and put them on our website.


Since December 2009 we are living in New Zealand. Obviously we love it here and enjoying the life here very much especially the remoteness and the nature of the South Island. But after over 11 years of living on the South Island of we have now settled down on the North Island of New Zealand in Hawke's Bay on the east coast.


Jeannette & Martin



Local times

Otane Amsterdam

Recent website changes
Last update: 09-03-2024

09-03-2024 Website transferred
02-06-2021 Home page updated